The maryland thespianS
For Troupe Directors
Email List for Updates
Maryland Thespians sends out email communications to Troupe Directors using a Squarespace Mailing List.
If you are on the list and are not getting the emails for some reason, please note that some teachers have had issues with their District IT filters blocking them. You should contact your IT team and request that the domain, and especially the address be Whitelisted.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list, complete this form, or email
Below you will find links to previous Update emails etc. (Note that after registration closes, information will be emailed directly to the registered Troupe Director email and may not be posted below.)
Post-Registration Festival Updates:
If you haven’t signed-up yet for our Troupe Director group in Talking Points, please do!
To sign-up you can download the app (iOS / Android) and use the class code CA6TCK.
You can communicate via text message instead of the app, by texting 412697 to (951) 216-3927.
(You can unsubscribe at any time by texting "Goodbye")